Learn Quran With Tajweed

What is Tajweed?

Tajweed is defined as the act of performing something well. Specifically, it involves reciting each letter of the Quran accurately, including its proper origin (makhraj) and all of its qualities.

Why Tajweed is important for recitation?

Tajweed is important for recitation because it ensures the accurate and proper pronunciation of the Quranic verses, which is essential for understanding their meaning and achieving a deeper spiritual connection with the text. Tajweed rules guide the reciter on how to properly articulate each letter, elongate or shorten vowels, and pause or continue reading in appropriate places. Tajweed rules help to avoid any misinterpretation or alteration of the Quranic text’s meaning and preserve its original message. Additionally, it adds beauty and melody to the recitation, making it more enjoyable and appealing to listen to.

Importance of reading the Quran With Tajweed:

The correct recitation of the Quran with Tajweed is crucial, as mispronunciations may alter the meaning of words and result in sin. The Messenger (P.B.U.H) directed his companions to learn from four Sahaba who were experts in recitation, emphasizing the significance of proper recitation and the potential harm of improper recitation.

Our online Quran course on Tajweed covers basic and advanced rules, memorization of at least ten Surahs, prayer (Salah) and funeral prayer (Janazah) for boys, daily supplications, and 40 short Hadiths. We also stress the importance of showing respect towards family and parents.

We believe that Tajweed is essential for preserving the Quran’s authority. As a result, we begin our teachings with the traditional Qaida, which provides practical rules for Quranic recitation with Tajweed, before advancing to more complex rules. Our objective is to teach the Quran as it was originally received by Jibreel from Allah, recited by the angel Jibreel to the Prophet (P.B.U.H), and passed down to the companions and imams.

Our online course allows students to learn how to read the Quran with Tajweed from skilled Quran teachers, ensuring that they attain their learning objectives with ease. For those who already know how to recite, we also offer a memorization course. Contact us today to schedule your free trial classes and embark on your journey of Quranic recitation with Tajweed.

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