Online Quran Reading

About Online Quran Reading

Every Muslim has the responsibility to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed rules. Our online Quran Reading Course is suitable for individuals of all ages and genders, including children and adults. The course is specifically designed for students who have completed the Noorani Qaida course and can read the Quran but lack fluency and want to enhance their reading skills. The Quran Reading course aims to provide students with practice to boost their confidence while implementing the techniques taught in the Qaida course. Our teacher will ensure that the student completes the full Quran reading course within the allocated time.

Online Quran Reading Course Outline:


To enroll in Quran Reading, students must have knowledge of the makharij of Arabic letters and how to read and join Arabic words, including vowels, sukoon, madd, tanween, and shaddah. If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, you can take the Basic Noorani Qaida Course first before starting Quran Reading. Completing this course will enable students to recite the Holy Quran with proper pronunciation.

I aim to establish a lifelong connection with the Quran.

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